I didn't do too bad last quarter with 3 out of 5 finishes. There was one more goal that didn't count since they were not even started but I did get a part of that one done. I am pretty happy with those successes. Well, I have decided to put it all out there and see what I can get done. The list is pretty aggressive but don't know unless I try.
1. Shine-Quilts of Valor Quilt - Finished
This one I started last month at a quilt retreat and I am not real happy with how it turned out since between the crazy pattern, late night sewing, it is really wavy and off. I am happy with the colors and the overall look of the quilt just laying it out and measuring it, disappointed since I know I can sew better than that. It is a little better with the borders added.
Current Status: I just put the borders on this weekend, pieced the back (which I love) and made the binding. Just need to baste it and quilt it. Expected Finish April 30th.
2. Easy Street- Finished
I started this one in November 2012 from Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt and it was on the Q1 list of goals. I knew that would be a stretch so I was really happy with getting the progress done I did get done. I did make lots of progress last quarter and have the top done.
Current Status: Flimsy done, borders bought. Need to put the borders on and figure out the back, binding and if I will quilt or send it out. It is 100x100 so it is large and not sure I want to tackle this on my machine. The piecing is also really busy so the quilting will not show up too much and have a few ideas I would not mind trying out. Expected Finish April 30-May15th.
3. X and + Quilt
Current Status: I did a couple of swaps last year and have 20 blocks sitting and waiting. I would like to add another 10 for a nice size and finish this one up. Expected Finish by June 30th.
No Progress as of July 3rd.
4. Moda Quilt from 2010-11
Current Status: I have 5 out of 6 blocks done and need to finish up the sixth block. I did get some help on it last month so I think I can finish it up. I was so mad at the block and I messed up sewing it so I put it aside and did not pick it up again. The blocks have to be sashed and then pieced rows that attach them all. It is really pretty and I had done it out of a lot of Fig Tree and some coordinating prints which make for a pretty little quilt. I really don't think I will get this one done but if I could get the top done I would be thrilled. I do need to find the other 5 blocks too!
Finished that one pesky block and put it back.
5. Heart Strings Quilt
Current Status: The strings are cut along with the tissue paper to work on the 20 string blocks. Expected Finish May 31st only because I am really excited to work on this one.
Quilt top done, back bought need to piece the date for the back. Have to finish in July.
So I am pretty sure I am pushing my luck with getting 5 quilts done in 3 months but I know Q3 I really won't get much done so I am going to push to see what I can get done and wow wouldn't that be fun to get all of them done. There is some hopeful wishing in there!
I am also linking up at WIP Wednesday

All your work is lovely, Beth ... hope you're happy with what you get finished. Late nights + sewing sometimes = work we're not happy with but I'm sure it will be brilliant when all quilted up :)
ReplyDeleteXPlus, everybody has got one and soon I will too. good luck with your finishes
ReplyDeleteHi Beth, you do have some ambitious goals! I like your color picks for Easy Street. What a fun quilt that was to make. Mine is keeping my nephew warm. I too have an x+ quilt, actually playing with it recently on the design wall, thinking I'll sew it together soon.