Well this quilt has been done a while now but just haven't had the time/taken the time to get anything written on it. As this is the place I keep what I have done and how it happened I need to get this one written. This was finished in February and you can see the snow in pictures!
This quilt was started in January of 2013 as the Moda Friendship Quilt as part of the Monthly club at my LQS. I made blocks with fabric I liked with a focus on picking navy and a color and a variety of greys in the blocks.
I didn't do the layout the shop had and I didn't want to do the one Moda came out with either, I felt they were a little too busy and wanted to calm all the color down a bit and make it bigger. Not really sure why I feel every quilt I make should fit a bed but I seem to do that often.
The setting is from the book Quilt Vintage Revival. I made the setting blocks and the put sashing around the blocks. When I made the back, I made it a tad too small to send to the long arm quilter so no problem I will quilt it.
Every block is quilted differently and put the same design in the blue squares and then swirls in the background. It really wasn't too bad but really would have been easier to sew on some extra fabric.

I know that I didn't want to pay to custom quilt it so I am really happy with the way it turned out.

This one ended up being 90" x 107". It still has not found it's final home yet in the house but I do love it! I like to sew with out a plan and in the end looks like I had a plan. At least it does to me! My hubby always thinks there is too much color going on and I can't get enough.
Thanks for stopping and reading. I am linking to Finish it Friday, Whoo Whoo It's Friday, Let's Bee Sewcial, NTT,